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1-2 Chronicles (Carol M. Kaminski)
58 videos
1-2 Chronicles, A Video Study features scholar and professor Carol M. Kaminski teaching through the books of the Chronicles in 58 engaging and challenging lessons. Based on her 1-2 Chronicles commentary in The Story of God Bible Commentary series, these video lessons explain and illuminate each p...
How to Study the Bible's Use of the Bible
27 videos
How to Study the Bible's Use of the Bible Video Lectures by Gary Edward Schnittjer and Matthew S. Harmon is an essential resource aimed at teaching a hermeneutic for understanding the Bible's use of the Bible. Intended for students of both testaments, the series' innovative approach demonstrates ...
Bridging the Testaments (George Athas)
24 videos
An accessible introduction to the historical and theological developments between the Old and New Testament.
Bridging the Testaments Video Lectures outlines the political and social developments of this period between Old and New Testaments. Using a wide range of biblical and extra-biblical sour...