Proverbs (Christopher B. Ansberry)
38 items
What is the good life? Proverbs, A Video Study, taught by Christopher Ansberry, answers this question across different collections and through different poetic forms, each of which are designed to (trans)form one's character. This project of character formation assumes that wisdom and virtue are ...
2 Corinthians (Judith A. Diehl)
16 items
2 Corinthians, A Video Study features author and professor Judith Diehl teaching through the book of 2 Corinthians in sixteen engaging and challenging lessons. Based on Diehl's 2 Corinthians commentary in The Story of God Bible Commentary series, lessons tackle the historical distance between the...
Lord Jesus Christ (Daniel J. Treier)
11 items
In Lord Jesus Christ, A Video Study, scholar and author Daniel Treier takes up the study of the doctrine of Christ in a way that is biblical and historical, evangelical and ecumenical, conceptually clear and contextually relevant.
Lord Jesus Christ, A Video Study explores the doctrine of Christ ...
1-2 Chronicles (Carol M. Kaminski)
58 items
1-2 Chronicles, A Video Study features scholar and professor Carol M. Kaminski teaching through the books of the Chronicles in 58 engaging and challenging lessons. Based on her 1-2 Chronicles commentary in The Story of God Bible Commentary series, these video lessons explain and illuminate each p...
How to Study the Bible's Use of the Bible (Gary E. Schnittjer & Matthew Harmon)
27 items
How to Study the Bible's Use of the Bible Video Lectures by Gary Edward Schnittjer and Matthew S. Harmon is an essential resource aimed at teaching a hermeneutic for understanding the Bible's use of the Bible. Intended for students of both testaments, the study's innovative approach demonstrates ...
Bridging the Testaments (George Athas)
24 items
Bridging the Testaments Video Lectures surveys the history and theological developments of four significant eras in Israel's postexilic history: The Persian Era (539-331 BC), the Hellenistic Era (331-167 BC), the Hasmonean Era (167-63 BC), and the Roman Era (63-4 BC). In doing so, Athas does away...
Known by God (Brian S. Rosner)
15 items
Who are you? What makes you, you? In the past, your personal identity would have been settled before you were born. Today, identity is a do-it-yourself project: ours is a day of identity angst. Known by God Video Lectures surveys the neglected biblical theme of being known by God as his children,...
Biblical Critical Theory (Christopher Watkin)
30 items
In Biblical Critical Theory Video Lectures, Christopher Watkin shows how the Bible and its unfolding story help us make sense of modern life and culture.
Critical theories exist to critique what we think we know about reality and the social, political, and cultural structures in which we live. ...
Jesus, Contradicted (Michael R. Licona)
13 items
The differences and discrepancies in the Gospels constitute one of the foremost objections to their reliability and the credibility of their message. Some have tried to resolve Gospels contradictions with strained harmonization efforts. Others conclude that the Gospels are hopelessly contradictor...
The Hope in Our Scars (Aimee Byrd)
14 items
Aimee Byrd peels back the church's underlying and pervasive theology of power to uncover the shame that lurks beneath and find the lasting hope of belonging in Christ. Many of us have been left wondering how the church can offer hope if its leaders will not care for its wounds, admit their compli...
The Truth in True Crime (J. Warner Wallace)
16 items
In The Truth in True Crime Video Study, detective J. Warner Wallace explores the clues lying behind our human nature as he uncovers fifteen life truths gleaned from both contemporary murder investigations and ancient biblical wisdom.
Every session introduces you to an investigation of a death as...
The Expectation Gap (Steve Cuss)
10 items
Christians experience significant gaps between what we believe about God and what we encounter from God. We believe God loves us, but we struggle to experience it. We believe God is with us, but we struggle to see it. We thought we'd be further along in our faith by now. Often our best efforts ke...
Church History in Plain Language (Shelley, Lingle, and Tafilowski)
49 items
This is the story of the church for today.
This series, based on Bruce Shelley's classic history of the church, brings the story of global Christianity into the twenty-first century. Taught by experts in the field of Christian history, each lesson tells a story of actual people, in a particular ...
Know the Theologians (Jennifer Powell McNutt and David W. McNutt)
17 items
The Bible describes the church as a kind of family. Those who believe in Christ are sisters and brothers in the faith, whether they live at the same time or are separated by centuries. For that reason, believers today need to know our family members who have come before and shaped our beliefs and...
The Gift of Thorns (A. J. Swoboda)
11 items
The Gift of Thorns Video Study, a companion to the book, The Gift of Thorns and The Gift of Thorns Study Guide, dives deep into some of the hardest questions we wrestle with in the war for our wants:
- What do God's desires and Satan's desires have to do with us?
- Which desires did God place in... -
Blessed Are the Peacemakers (Helen Paynter)
18 items
Scripture reveals the nature of human violence in all its types, including interpersonal, structural, sexual, and political violence. To explore what the Bible says about human violence, Old Testament scholar Helen Paynter dives deeply into even the most problematic biblical narratives in Blessed...
The Torah Story: An Apprenticeship on the Pentateuch (Gary Edward Schnittjer)
29 items
Working knowledge of the Torah is essential for every serious student of the Scriptures. Presented in an engaging and accessible manner, even while digging into difficult and complicated matters at a sophisticated level, The Torah Story course emphasizes the content of the text itself, moving bey...
A Survey of the Old Testament (John H. Walton & Andrew E. Hill)
48 items
Taught by Old Testament scholars and co-authors Andrew E. Hill and John H. Walton, A Survey of the Old Testament Video Lectures is ideal for anyone looking to expand or refresh their knowledge of the Old Testament.
Studying the Old Testament can unlock a richer understanding of God and his redem...
Cultural Christians in the Early Church (Nadya Williams)
10 items
Christians today tend to see the earliest followers of Jesus as zealous converts who were much more counterculturally devoted to their faith than typical churchgoers today. Cultural Christianity might seem like a modern concept, one most likely to occur in areas where Christianity is the majority...
Exodus (Christopher J. H. Wright)
32 items
Exodus, A Video Study features scholar and professor Christopher Wright teaching through the book of Exodus in 32 engaging and challenging lessons. Based on his Exodus commentary in The Story of God Bible Commentary series, these video lessons explain and illuminate each passage of the book in li...
Street Smarts (Gregory Koukl)
10 items
The Street Smarts Video Study, taught by Gregory Koukl, helps Christians better engage in productive conversations with those who challenge their convictions on a variety of issues. A follow-up to Koukl’s bestselling Tactics, this video study focuses on revealing the fundamental flaws in common, ...
Basics of Biblical Aramaic
23 items
Basics of Biblical Aramaic Video Lectures provides 22 easy-to-follow lessons. It is an ideal resource for formal Aramaic language students wanting additional help in their learning; for instructors wanting to devote classroom time to drills and exercises, giving them a lecture tool their students...
Knowledge of God in the World and the Word (Doug Groothuis, Andrew Shepardson)
12 items
See God's revelation in nature, the Bible, and Jesus Christ.
In The Knowledge of God in the World and the Word Video Lectures, professors Douglas Groothuis and Andrew I. Shepardson provide a clear and compelling introduction to classical apologetics that also addresses the most common objections...
Ezra-Nehemiah (Donna Petter and Thomas Petter)
26 items
Ezra-Nehemiah chronicles the return of the exiles to Jerusalem during the Persian Period. Empowered by the Persian authorities, Ezra and Nehemiah came on the scene in Jerusalem to restore the worship of the "God of heaven" and the sanctity of Zion and his people. God's sovereignty over temporal p...