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Basics of Hebrew Discourse (Miles Van Pelt, Matthew Patton, and Frederic Putnam)

Basics of Hebrew Discourse (Miles Van Pelt, Matthew Patton, and Frederic Putnam)

Basics of Hebrew Discourse Video Lectures, presented by Matthew H. Patton, Frederic Clarke Putnam, and Miles V. Van Pelt, is a syntax resource for intermediate Hebrew students. The lectures introduce students to the principles and exegetical benefits of discourse analysis (text linguistics) when applied to Biblical Hebrew prose and poetry. Where standard Hebrew reference grammars have traditionally worked to describe the relationship between words and phrases within discrete clauses (micro-syntax), discourse analysis works to describe those relationships that exist between clauses and texts (macro-syntax).

These lectures fill a needed gap for intermediate Hebrew students and give them the tools to work with Hebrew syntax on the macro level. Professors and pastors working with Hebrew will also find this one-of-a-kind resource highly valuable.

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Basics of Hebrew Discourse (Miles Van Pelt, Matthew Patton, and Frederic Putnam)