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Thinking Through Paul (Bruce W. Longenecker & Todd D. Still)

Thinking Through Paul (Bruce W. Longenecker & Todd D. Still)

The study of Paul and his letters can be exciting, challenging, and life-changing, but only if it is done well.

Longenecker and Still bring decades of study and expertise to the Thinking through Paul series, challenging students to delve deeply into Paul’s writings and to wrestle with his richly-layered and dynamic theological discourse.

In this series, you'll first look at Paul’s life before and after his encounter with the risen Christ en route to Damascus, then examine each of Paul’s letters one-by-one, and finally pull everything together from Pauline writings to highlight the main strands of Paul’s theology. Along the way, you'll learn more about Paul's world and the broader context of first-century Christianity.

Thinking Through Paul (Bruce W. Longenecker & Todd D. Still)