Isaiah (John N. Oswalt)
Isaiah features Old Testament scholar John Oswalt teaching through the book of Isaiah in short, engaging, and challenging lessons. These lessons bring the meaning of Isaiah into the twenty-first century. As Oswalt works through the book passage-by-passage, he comments on the text itself and then explores issues in Israel's culture and in ours that help us understand the meaning of each passage.
Isaiah wrestles with the realities of people who are not convicted by the truth but actually hardened by it and a God whose actions sometimes seem unintelligible, or, even worse, who appears to be absent. Yet Isaiah penetrates these experiences to see a greater reality. Isaiah portrays God's rule over history and his capacity to take the worst of human actions and use them for good. He declares the truth that even in the darkest hours, the Holy One of Israel is infinitely trustworthy.
This series offers you the chance to learn about one of the Bible's most important books from one of today's premier Old Testament scholars.
Isaiah, A Video Study - Session 73 - Isaiah 63:1-6
Isaiah, A Video Study - Session 74 - Isaiah 63:7-14
Isaiah, A Video Study - Session 75 - Isaiah 63:15-64:12
Isaiah, A Video Study - Session 76 - Isaiah 65:1-16
Isaiah, A Video Study - Session 77 - Isaiah 65:17-25
Isaiah, A Video Study - Session 78 - Isaiah 66