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Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy

Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy

There is little doubt that the inerrancy of the Bible is a current and often contentious topic among evangelicals.

Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy, A Video Study showcases the spectrum of evangelical positions on inerrancy and facilitates understanding of these perspectives, particularly where and why they diverge.

Each main lesson considers:
- the present context and the viability and relevance of inerrancy for contemporary Christian witness;
- whether and to what extent Scripture teaches its own inerrancy;
- the position's assumed/implied understandings of the nature of Scripture, God, and truth; and
- three difficult biblical texts: one that implies intra-canonical contradictions, one that raises questions of theological plurality, and one that concerns historicity.

Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy, A Video Study serves not only as a resource for surveying the current debate, but also as a catalyst both for understanding and advancing the conversation further. Featuring scholars Al Mohler, Kevin Vanhoozer, Michael Bird, Peter Enns, and John Franke, lessons provide viewers with the tools they need to draw informed conclusions on this debated issue.

Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy